chapter 3 Lesson 16 Fly Fishing CI Task 16 Teach Pick Up and Lay Down to Beginning Student

CI Task 16 | Teach Pick Up and Lay Down to a Beginning Student

The PULD is a fundamental drill used by many casting instructors. Here the candidate is asked to demonstrate how they would teach the pick up and lay down to a beginning student. Examiner expectations and a helpful example are provided. Why…
chapter 3 Lesson 15 Fly Fishing Teaching Methodology
chapter 3 Lesson 14 Intro to Teaching Fly Fishing Tasks
chapter 3 Lesson 13 Fly Fishing CI Task 15 75 Foot Cast

CI Task 15 | 75 Foot Cast

This lesson explains exactly how to perform the 75 foot cast in the manner expected on the exam. For many this is one of the more difficult tasks on the test. By studying and practicing some of the lessons in chapter 1 and 2 the student should…
chapter 3 Lesson 12 Fly Fishing CI Task 14 Double Haul

CI Task 14 | Double Haul

We double haul to increase line speed and conservative energy in our rod hand. The double haul makes tight loops which help us cast farther and more accurately, especially in the wind. This video breaks the double hall down into it sub-components…
chapter 3 Lesson 11 Fly Fishing CI Task 13 Off Shoulder Accuracy

CI Task 13 | Off Shoulder Accuracy

We can't always cast over our dominant shoulder. Wind or obstructions can create a situation where we need just as much accuracy, but need to make a cast off our non-dominant shoulder. This task requires the same expectations as the dominant…
chapter 3 Lesson 10 Fly Fishing CI Task 12 Dominant Shoulder Accuracy

CI Task 12 | Dominant Shoulder Accuracy

So you need to make a cast into a spot a few feet in diameter, and the wind is blowing, and it's 50 feet away. This lesson teaches the nuances of accuracy and how to pass this task. Once more a very detailed step-by-step plan for mastery is…
chapter 3 Lesson 9 Fly Fishign CI Task 9 10 11 Roll Casts and Pick Up

CI Task 9, 10, 11 | Roll Casts and the Roll Cast Pick Up

Lots of people roll cast, sort of! In this lesson the student will learn how to roll cast properly and efficiently so as to pass these three tasks. In addition the student will learn the many uses of the roll casts in addition to having obstructions…
chapter 3 Lesson 8 Fly Fishing CI Task 8 Slow Medium Fast Loops

CI Task 8 | Casting Slow, Medium, and Fast Loops

A delicate presentation with the small drive fly, or a fast tight loop into the wind, either way this task construction candidate in the most efficient way to accomplish these casts. Maintaining consistent loops as speeds are varied is fairly…
chapter 3 Lesson 7 Fly Fishing CI Task 7 Slack Line Casts

CI Task 7 | Slack Line Casts

Sometimes in order to prevent spooking fish we need to make a downstream presentation. This lesson assures the student that they will be able to master these important skills. In addition as in all of the videos the student will learn the reasons…